Category: UK News

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London transport: Call for ban of ‘floating’ bus stops

London transport: Call for ban of ‘floating’ bus stops

Age UK London, the London Sports Club for the Blind and Disability Rights UK are among the signatories of the petition. Last month, the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan told the BBC the “floating” stops were installed during his second term because “a disproportionate number of cyclists” had been “injured and killed as a consequence...

Queen Camilla will buy no more real-fur items

Queen Camilla will buy no more real-fur items

The Queen’s move follows in the footsteps of Elizabeth II, who, in 2019, indicated she would acquire no new real-fur products. That did not mean she stopped wearing existing items, though – and the Queen’s letter to Peta does not rule this out either. An International Fur Federation spokesman rejected the criticism of real fur....

Plan to ban sex education for children under nine

Plan to ban sex education for children under nine

Schools in England will be banned from teaching sex education to children under nine, under government proposals. The BBC has not seen the new guidelines but a government source said they included plans to ban any children being taught about gender identity. If asked, teachers will have to be clear gender ideology is contested. Statutory...