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Greens challenge ‘timid’ Labour in election launch

Greens challenge ‘timid’ Labour in election launch

The Green Party has taken aim at Labour’s “timid” plan for government as it launched its general election campaign. Only a strong Green presence can “push” Labour to be bolder on climate, the NHS, and housing, party co-leader Carla Denyer said. The party said the Conservatives were “clearly on their way out”, so would focus...

Keir Starmer is not acting in a factional way

Keir Starmer is not acting in a factional way

PA Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner has said Keir Starmer is not acting “in a factional way” as a row in the party over candidate selection for 4 July’s general election on 4 July rages on. Sir Keir has been accused of carrying out a “purge” of left-wing candidates and parachuting his own supporters into...

Only SNP offering route back to EU

Only SNP offering route back to EU

Getty Images Energy Secretary Mairi McAllan says young Scots have been let down by Westminster The SNP is the only party offering Scotland a route back into the European Union, Energy Secretary Mairi McAllan has claimed. She accused the Conservatives and Labour of having “utterly abandoned Scotland’s European future” at a general election campaign event...

Greens launch campaign target of ‘at least four’ MPs

Greens launch campaign target of ‘at least four’ MPs

The Green Party of England and Wales launch their election campaign in Bristol. Co-leader Carla Denyer told supporters that the party is “looking to win at least four Green MPs”. A full list of general election candidates will be available on the BBC website once nominations close. Source link

Starmer promises to cut Welsh NHS waits

Starmer promises to cut Welsh NHS waits

11 minutes ago David Deans,Political reporter, BBC Wales News Reuters Sir Keir Starmer would not be in direct charge of the Welsh NHS if he won the general election As well as delivering economic stability and cutting NHS waiting times, Labour said it will crack down on antisocial behaviour, set up a publicly-owned clean power...

Diane Abbott accuses Labour of left-wing candidate purge

Diane Abbott accuses Labour of left-wing candidate purge

Labour MP Diane Abbott claims the party is carrying out a “cull” of left-wing candidates ahead of the general election. The veteran left-winger was reinstated as a Labour MP on Wednesday after a long suspension. But says she has been barred from standing as a Labour candidate in 4 July’s election – something the party...

Vote Plaid to keep Labour in check, leader says

Vote Plaid to keep Labour in check, leader says

Plaid Cymru’s leader has said a vote for his party will keep the Conservatives “out of Wales” and also keep Labour “in check”. Speaking ahead of Plaid’s general election campaign launch, Rhun ap Iorwerth said his party was “taking the fight” to their rival parties across Wales. He said Plaid Cymru was “best placed to...

Labour pledges to put more police in the community

Labour pledges to put more police in the community

Labour is pledging to put more police in communities and “take back our town centres from thugs and thieves”. Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper repeated the party’s promise of 13,000 officers and community support officers working in neighbourhoods in England and Wales. The pledge involves hiring 3,000 new officers and 4,000 PCSOs. The rest of...