Category: Politics

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Labour candidate Darren Rodwell told police not to respond in row

Labour candidate Darren Rodwell told police not to respond in row

6 minutes ago Joe Pike,Political Investigations Correspondent PA Media A Labour candidate said he asked police not to respond if they were contacted by a resident he was planning to confront at their home. Council leader Darren Rodwell claimed he used official systems to find the address of the person who had threatened him online....

Greens furious over ‘outrageous’ STV debate exclusion

Greens furious over ‘outrageous’ STV debate exclusion

PA Media Green MSP Ross Greer says the debate is an outrageous snub to his party The Scottish Greens have labelled the decision to exclude them from the first televised leadership debate of the general election as “outrageous”. STV will screen a 90 minute programme later, featuring the SNP, Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats....

Why Labour are so keen to talk about defence

Why Labour are so keen to talk about defence

“There are two essential tests of trust: money and national security.” I am chatting to a senior Labour figure about why they think shifting perceptions of the party’s attitude to defence is so important. “If we don’t get those things right – economy and defence – why would people bother listening to us on anything...

BBC shows start on Friday

BBC shows start on Friday

BBC The BBC’s Mishal Husain will host a seven-party debate on Friday The BBC has announced its line-up of televised general election debates, which will start next week and include what is likely to be the final head-to-head clash between Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer before polling day. The series of programmes will begin...

Diane Abbott: Up to veteran MP whether she stands for Labour

Diane Abbott: Up to veteran MP whether she stands for Labour

23 minutes ago Paul Seddon,Political reporter Getty Images Labour’s Yvette Cooper has said it is for Diane Abbott to decide whether she wants to stand for the party at the general election. Asked whether she wanted to see the veteran MP run, the shadow home secretary said it “has to be Diane’s decision”. But she...

Election fraud claims being reviewed by Derbyshire police

Election fraud claims being reviewed by Derbyshire police

Police are reviewing claims of election fraud they have received relating to “concerns around marketing material”. It comes after the Conservative candidate for High Peak in Derbyshire, Robert Largan, put out a social media post on Saturday in red Labour colours saying “Labour for Largan”. He also put out a social media post, using the...

Undecided voters and poll swings… in 60 seconds

Undecided voters and poll swings… in 60 seconds

In 32 days time we’ll all have the chance to cast a ballot to choose who runs the country – but has all the frantic campaigning done much to change your minds so far? Here’s our favourite number cruncher, Sir John Curtice, with his take on the latest polls – in 60 seconds. Source link

UK general election latest: Labour pledges to cut net migration while Conservatives unveil GP plan

UK general election latest: Labour pledges to cut net migration while Conservatives unveil GP plan

UK general election latest: Labour pledges to cut net migration while Conservatives unveil GP plan – BBC News BreakingBreaking news Close breaking news Summary Laura Kuenssberg was joined this morning by Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary, and Health Secretary Victoria Atkins On Keir Starmer’s promise that net migration would fall under Labour, Cooper said...