Author: superadmin

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NCAA votes to approve payments to student athletes

NCAA votes to approve payments to student athletes

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which governs university sports in the US, has reached a deal that could lead to college athletes getting paid. The agreement was reached on Thursday after the NCAA voted alongside five league conferences to make the ground-breaking change. It would allow schools to pay athletes a cut of the revenue their sports generate. The deal also...

US reviews co-operation with Georgia over ‘foreign agent’ law

US reviews co-operation with Georgia over ‘foreign agent’ law

The US has said it is reviewing its bilateral co-operation with Georgia over its controversial “foreign agent” law that triggered weeks of mass protests in the capital Tbilisi. In a statement, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Washington was introducing visa restrictions for individuals responsible for “undermining democracy in Georgia”. No officials were named,...

Target to cut court backlog cannot be met, says watchdog

Target to cut court backlog cannot be met, says watchdog

Just now Dominic Casciani,Home and legal correspondent, @BBCDomC PA The 2022 barristers’ strike added to the backlogs that began before the pandemic The government’s target to reduce unprecedented criminal court backlogs in England and Wales cannot be met, the national spending watchdog has concluded. The National Audit Office (NAO) says the delays are affecting victims...

‘Faltering election start’ and ‘General ejection’

‘Faltering election start’ and ‘General ejection’

Rishi Sunak features on the front of the Metro as the first day of general election campaigning kicks off. The prime minister visited Ilkeston, Derbyshire, where he held a Q&A with staff at a warehouse, as part of a two-day tour of the UK’s nations. The headline reads “Rishi’s bumpy take-off” as it reports Mr...

Casement Park and the long road to Euro 2028

Casement Park and the long road to Euro 2028

In 2012, stadium designers were appointed to the project and it was expected the new Casement Park would be built by 2015. But it didn’t turn out that way. The first big obstacle came in 2014, when the High Court overturned planning permission for the project. Local residents, led by the Mooreland and Owenvarragh Residents...

Pro-Palestine protest at Harvard commencement ceremony

Pro-Palestine protest at Harvard commencement ceremony

Hundreds of graduating students at Harvard University staged a walkout during commencement after the school said it would not allow 13 students who took part in Gaza campus protests to graduate. Weeks earlier, pro-Palestine demonstrators had erected an encampment at the school, similar to other nationwide campus protests that began at Columbia University in April....

Why the diaspora is at war with itself

Why the diaspora is at war with itself

@hawelti Police forces across the world are prepped for Eritrea’s independence day this Friday – fearing violent clashes as disgruntled Eritreans unable to protest at home may do so at events abroad to mark the day 33 years ago that the country was born. Some countries have even banned the celebrations. It was a hard-won...

Ohio lawmakers urged to add Biden to November’s presidential ballot

Ohio lawmakers urged to add Biden to November’s presidential ballot

Ohio’s governor is pushing state lawmakers to avoid a partisan clash threatening to bar US President Joe Biden from the key swing state’s presidential ballot in November. The state’s top election official said earlier this week that Democrats are nominating their candidate too late to comply with Ohio’s ballot access laws. Such conflicts have been...

How important is Scotland in deciding this election?

How important is Scotland in deciding this election?

Just now James Cook,Scotland Editor, BBC News PA Media Sir Keir Starmer makes his first visit to Scotland since the election was called Does the path to 10 Downing Street run through Scotland? The Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer, appears to think so. Campaigning in Glasgow later, he is expected to say that only “a...