London transport: Call for ban of ‘floating’ bus stops

Home UK News London transport: Call for ban of ‘floating’ bus stops
London transport: Call for ban of ‘floating’ bus stops

Age UK London, the London Sports Club for the Blind and Disability Rights UK are among the signatories of the petition.

Last month, the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan told the BBC the “floating” stops were installed during his second term because “a disproportionate number of cyclists” had been “injured and killed as a consequence of buses”.

Sarah Gayton, street access campaign coordinator for the NFB, stressed that the organisation was not calling for the wholesale removal of cycle lanes.

“We’re calling for a redesign of cycle lanes around bus stops so the bus can pull up directly to the pavement so blind and visually impaired people can board the bus directly without having to cross – or step into – a cycle lane,” she said.

“Blind people have fewer choices. Cyclists can see and stop. We want the floating bus stops and the shared use bus borders to be removed.”

Caroline Russell, a Green Party member of the London Assembly, backed the “floating” bus stops due to what she said was “overwhelming” evidence that the design had reduced the number of people killed or seriously injured.

Speaking in the assembly, Ms Russell on Monday, she said: “We also have to acknowledge that there are people riding bikes who are inconsiderate.

“There are also people driving cars who are incredibly inconsiderate and it’s the inconsiderate people in cars who overwhelmingly kill and injure.”

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